I’ve been playing Dance Dance Revolution since around 2016, which is now 8 years ago (as of 2024). I played on some unofficial pad, but I don’t remember which :(
Since June 2023 I play on a polish L-Tek hard pad.
I mostly focus on stamina and difficulty, not so much tech or accuracy.
The hardest charts I can play now are the top diffs of Eientewi and Max 300:
gameplay not by me
Both were passed on the 4th of August 2024.
Since getting the pad I’ve had to replace 2 panels due to cracking but, other than that, the pad is pretty solid to play on. Initially I had problems with noise and unevenness of my apartment floor but some people in the OutFox discord server recommended getting a gym floor mat. I bought these from Biltema, which I still use.
Before getting this pad I had not played any nobar so I had to relearn a lot of technique.
DDR Abroad
When I went to Malaysia at the end of 2024, I was a bit disappointed that they didn’t have a single DDR machine in Kuala Lumpur or Melaka, only one in Genting. So unfortunately I couldn’t play it with vernonlim (we did try PIU though! which I don’t like lol)
After talking to the president of the Music Game Club at NYCU, I got recommended 白喵一番屋 in Hsinchu City (where I was staying). They even had DDR A20 there! I’ve never seen such a modern machine, the ones at Smålands Spelhall and Närcon are both from the SuperNova era.
This machine has a much more modern UI (using arrow controls), and the song are laid out in a nice grid pattern. The pads themselves also feel very solid, and the bar is robust.